
Captain: Crain, David

Sharks have everything a scientist dreams of. They’re beautiful―How beautiful they are! They’re like an impossibly perfect piece of machinery. They’re as graceful as any bird. They’re as mysterious as any animal on earth. No one knows for sure how long they live or what impulses―except for hunger―they respond to. There are more than two hundred and fifty species of shark, and everyone is different from every other one. #tightlinebraid

Current Standings Per Team Member
Name Points Sharks Caught Sharks Tagged Sharks Fin Clipped
Crain, David (Captain) 4910.50 208 196 203
Barnes, Robert Wayne 340.00 7 4 0
Green, Erika 255.00 10 9 10
Tomlinson, Timmy 105.00 1 0 0
Hickey, Dustin 26.00 3 1 0
Tomlinson, Chloe 11.00 1 1 0
Total 5647.50 230 211 213