Rules & Info
Team Registration Info
TSR Fishing Rules
TSR Shark Measurement Rules
TSR Photo Rules & Requirements
TSR Points System
TSR Tagging, Fin Clip, & Catch Submission Rules
TSR Division Awards
Tournament Dates
What Participants Must Supply
Tagging Instructions
How to make a tag applicator
Incision Tool
Shark Kit
Catch and release tips for sharks
Reserved Team Names
GPS Info
TSR Temp Ruler
Photo Gallery
Catch Submission
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Rules & Info
TSR Photo Rules & Requirements
Photo Rules & Requirements
You the angler must prove to TSR the length of your submission via the required picture as defined within these rules and examples. Please read and understand these requirements. Failure to have an adequate picture with your catch submission can result in disqualification of that catch.
Example diagrams are below the numbered list of photo rules and regulations.
1) Read the rules!!! It is the responsibility of all participants in the Texas Shark Rodeo to read, understand, and comply with all of the fishing, photo, & tagging rules and requirements of the tournament. If you have a question do not hesitate to contact us via the CONTACT US TAB
2) TSR catch submission photo must contain the angler, a clean, straight, complete view of the shark, and a 2" x 48" aluminum ruler with the current year’s TSR sticker applied. In addition it must also adhere to all of the following requirements below.
3) Hold the ruler in front of and touching the dorsal fin. Make sure the shark and ruler are straight within the photo. If a shark is small and the ruler potentially will block the view of the dorsal fin, you may hold the ruler just above the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin is an important item to have a clear view of in the photo for species ID. Make sure the shark is clean and clear of sand & debris. Do not hold the tail in the air for the TSR catch photo. We encourage you to take additional photos, one of which would be with tail held in the air to show the sex of the shark.
4) If the shark is tagged the tag must be visible within the photo, don't cover with the ruler. If a fin clip is taken the base of the dorsal must be visible.
5) Have the photographer kneel down perpendicular to the length of the shark and take the photo. Curved tails, photos taken at angles other than 90 degrees, & photos taken from standing positions may not be possible to verify and could result in the disqualification of a catch. Example diagram below the written rules.
6) DO NOT USE TIMESTAMP MODE ON YOUR CAMERA. We do not require that the time and date be superimposed onto your picture. You are required to have the correct time and date set internally on your camera so that the metadata contained within each photo is correct. Having the time and date set correctly will also help to establish a timeline of your catches afterwards.
7) Take all photos in landscape mode, this applies especially to cell phone photos. Example diagram below the written rules.
8) Be certain to email your captain the original photo, do not text a cell phone photo due to extreme compression and loss of quality. We need the original photo to aid in species & length verification.
9) Instruct the person taking your pictures to verify that requirements have been met before you release the shark. Incorrect photos, or the inability to verify length in photos can result in a disqualification of the catch.
10) If unsure of species you must take additional photos of the following to aid in determining species after the fact. As per example diagram below take a picture of the head from above showing the shape of the snout, take a picture of the first dorsal fin to pectoral fin relationship, and take a picture of the second dorsal to anal fin relationship. Please remove sand and sargassum which may hide identifiable features needed for positive identification. A bucket of saltwater is a perfect way to rinse off sand before snapping the required photos. TSR is confirming species ID and captains may be contacted for additional photos to verify species. If positive ID of an unusual species cannot be determined the bonus points may be revoked, so please take extra photos if you are not 100% positive of species. The contribution TSR is making to the scientific study of sharks is a top priority, and correct data associated with the catches is extremely important.
Camera requirements
1) A digital camera with working flash or adequate light source is required to participate. A minimum of 5 megapixels is required to provide the detail required to review lengths within the photo. Cell phone cameras can be used, but the picture must meet the minimum requirements of quality for verification. Polaroid cameras and other non-digital devices will not be accepted. GoPro and various other POV camera photos will not be accepted due to extreme FOV distortion and inability to verify lengths.
2) Set camera at MAXIMUM resolution to provide as much detail in the photo as possible. Night time photos can be the hardest to capture with the flash illuminating surf spray and the focus being off. Have your photographer verify that the photos are good while taking them.
3) DO NOT USE TIMESTAMP MODE ON YOUR CAMERA. We do not require that the time and date be superimposed onto your picture. You are required to have the correct time and date set internally on your camera so that the metadata contained within each photo is correct. Having the time and date set correctly helps also to establish a timeline of your catches afterwards.
4) Please try to use a wax paper, paper towel, or similar to diffuse the light source if using a cell phone for photos and using flashlights to illuminate at night. A bright flashlight leaves a very bright area and the rest of the photo can be very dark and of poor quality.
All Rules and Requirements are subject to change during the tournament. Any Rules and or Requirements changed will be announced via dated newsletter. Please review all rules and requirements by clicking the various links located under the Rules & Info tab. It is understood that a catch photo taken prior to an update of these rules is exempt.